Showing 1–40 of 169 results
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Showing 1–40 of 169 results
Hoses for dental equipment
Accessories, hoses for syringes, for micromotors, pedals, turbines and ultrasound.
Offering the widest range, all with RUMAR’s guarantee.
REF: 40-11A1000
TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 160cm, light gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 160cm, light gray
REF: 80-400000
Micromotor Cable Headlamp MODO (Ref. FARO 557300000)
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Micromotor Cable Headlamp MODO (Ref. FARO 557300000)
REF: 40-11A2000
TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 160cm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 160cm, dark gray
REF: 40-11A2001
Turbine hose with light, 6 hole connection, open end, 160cm, dark grey, with spray regulation
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 hole connection, open end, 160cm, dark grey, with spray regulation
REF: 40-21A2002
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, dark grey, with regulation spray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, dark grey, with regulation spray.
REF: 40-31A2001
Turbine hose without light, Borden 3, open end, coiled, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, Borden 3, open end, coiled, dark grey.
REF: 40-21B4000
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, white
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, white.
REF: 40-31A2000
Turbine hose without light, Borden 3, open end, 160cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, Borden 3, open end, 160cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-11B1000
Turbine hose with light, 6 hole connection, open end, 200cm, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 hole connection, open end, 200cm, light grey.
REF: 40-12E2022
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-12G2022
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-11B3000
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 200cm, black
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 200cm, black.
REF: 40-11B4000
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 200cm, white
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, open end, 200cm, white.
REF: 40-21A2001
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, coiled, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, coiled, dark grey.
REF: 40-21A1000
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, light grey.
REF: 40-21A2000
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 160cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-21B1000
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, light grey.
REF: 40-21B3000
Turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, black
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose without light, 4 holes, open end, 200cm, black.
REF: 40-12E2021
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey, reg. spray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey, reg. spray
REF: 40-12G2021
Turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey, reg. spray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
rm-TKD turbine hose with light, 6 holes, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey, reg. spray
REF: 40-71B1100
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron/Suprasson without light, open end, 200cm, ∅9mm, light gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron / Suprasson without light, open end, 200cm, ∅9mm, light gray
REF: 40-71B2100
Satelec Newtron ultrasound hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Satelec Newtron ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, dark grey.
REF: 40-71B1110
Satelec Newtron ultrasound hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 7mm (THIN), light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Satelec Newtron ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 7mm (THIN), light grey.
REF: 40-71B1200
EMS Piezon ultrasound hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
EMS Piezon ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, light grey
REF: 40-71B2200
EMS Piezon ultrasound hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
EMS Piezon ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 9mm diameter, dark grey.
REF: 40-71B1210
EMS Piezon ultrasound hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 7mm diameter (THIN), light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
EMS Piezon ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, open end, 200cm x 7mm diameter (THIN), light grey.
REF: 40-72E2100
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron without light, CEFLA connector, 135cm, ∅7mm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron without light, CEFLA connector, 135cm, ∅7mm, dark gray
REF: 40-72G2100
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron without light, CEFLA connector, 120cm, ∅7mm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD ultrasonic hose for Satelec Newtron without light, CEFLA connector, 120cm, ∅7mm, dark gray
REF: 40-72G2200
EMS Piezon ultrasound hose, without light, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
EMS Piezon ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, CEFLA connector, 125cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-72E2200
EMS Piezon ultrasound hose, without light, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
EMS Piezon ultrasound rm-TKD hose, without light, CEFLA connector, 140cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-51A1006
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor rm-TKD hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, light grey.
REF: 40-51A2006
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, dark grey.
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor rm-TKD hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, dark grey.
REF: 40-51A1001
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, light grey, 540° swivelling connector .
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor rm-TKD hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, light grey, 540° swivelling connector. . .
REF: 40-51A2001
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, dark grey, 540° swivelling connector
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 Isolite/LED micromotor rm-TKD hose, ISO300 with light, 160cm, light grey, 540° swivelling connector. . .
REF: 40-51A1002
Bien Air MC2 IR micromotor hose, without light, 160cm, light grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 IR micromotor rm-TKD hose, without light, 160cm, light grey
REF: 40-51A2002
Bien Air MC2 IR micromotor hose, without light, 160cm, dark grey
Availability: In stockOut of stock
Bien Air MC2 IR micromotorrm-TKD hose, without light, 160cm, dark grey
REF: 40-51A1003
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED + turbine with and without light, open end, multi-purpose, 160cm, light gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED + turbine with and without light, open end, multi-purpose, 160cm, light gray
REF: 40-51A2003
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED + turbine with light, open end, multi-purpose, 160cm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED + turbine with light, open end, multi-purpose, 160cm, dark gray
REF: 40-51A2005
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED with and without light, open end, 160cm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED with and without light, open end, 160cm, dark gray
REF: 40-51A2004
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED with and without light, open end, with sprayer control, 160cm, dark gray
Availability: In stockOut of stock
TKD micromotor hose for Bien Air MC3, LK and LED with and without light, open end, with sprayer control, 160cm, dark gray